Saturday 26 March 2011

Days Out...

Ashton Memorial

So, the sun has decided to come out from behind the clouds this week, resulting in sunglasses being purchased, legs coming out of hiding after Winter, and rekindling of the infamous barbecue season. With this in mind, yesterday my friends and I decided to head up to Williamson Park near our houses in Lancaster, for a laze in the grass, some yummy food and a few iced bevvies.

So, coolbag stocked with sausages, cider, mustard, mushrooms, barbecue sauce and my lovely lime green plastic wine glass, we trekked up to the park, and chose a prime spot on top of the hill next to Ashton Memorial. The view from the top is gorgeous, and though it was a little hazy yesterday, the peaks of the Lake District were still visible to our right, and Heysham power plant to our left- I know which I'd rather look at!

We set the barbecues going and cracked open the bottles, while we waited for the perfect temperature. Once ready, I put on some open cup mushrooms with cheese squares on top, which tasted nice and nutty, and were a welcome change from traditional barbecue fayre. I then had two sausages with wholegrain mustard in part baked baguettes that I had prepared earlier (always ready!). Though rather 'brown' at least they were cooked through, which is more than could be said for my friend Geoff's chicken legs. I had planned on putting some cheese in with my sausages, but an over-friendly golden retriever put paid to that idea, by snaffling it all when he came to investigate our meals!

After we had eaten, a chilly wind brought us back to reality, reminding us that it is only March, and we were being far too ambitious thinking we could stay past seven o'clock. We went back to the nearest of our houses and watched some typical Friday night telly, before I headed home. A nice start to 'Summer' one might say!

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