Sunday 6 March 2011

Weekly Update!

Bombay Sapphire, Fashion Show Plans and Home Cooking!

As the dreaded dissertation deadline looms, I am becoming increasingly less sociable, so this week contained the final few nights out before I chain myself to my desk next week!

On Monday after a productive Fashion Soc meeting, I went to watch a few friends play some dart matches and have a couple of glasses of wine. I ended up going home and cracking open a litre bottle of Bombay Sapphire gin that my parents brought me back from Jersey, and sharing it with my boyfriend and his housemate. So much for an early night!

Tuesday passed by in a flash, and on Wednesday I did a promo photoshoot for the fashion show that we are doing with Oxfam next week. We have a page in one of the local newspapers, so I'm keeping my eyes peeled for it to buy one as a souvenir. On Wednesday evening a couple of the exec came round to sort some of the final details. We had some drinks and a laugh while we chose the songs we wanted to do the catwalk to. It was chilled but fun all the same, and we all got pretty excited for the upcoming event!

Thursday was fairly unproductive as yet again a session at the gym meant I wasn't ready to work until mid afternoon, and then an impromptu visit from my old flatmate started a quick chat that turned into an hour and a half talk. In the evening my boyfriend came around and I cooked us both kedgeree which was delicious.

On Friday it was my friend's 20th birthday, and as a present to him my boyfriend and I said we'd cook a main course and dessert for a group of eight of us. I went shopping in the morning for my ingredients, and also had a fitting at Joseph & Co for the clothes that I am modelling from there for the fashion show, the two dresses I was given are beautiful, so I'm mega excited now.

Our friends came round at half 6 for the meal, which was chilli con carne, followed by sticky toffee pudding, made completely from scratch. I was really impressed with how it all turned out, and it went down a treat. The only annoying thing was that as I preprepared the baking tins for dessert with butter, by the time I came to cook them it had melted which meant the puddings stuck to the tins slightly. But covered in toffee sauce and custard, noone could tell!

After we had eaten a few more people came round to mine for drinks (one brought a very impressive homemade birthday cake for Matt), and then we headed to Wetherspoons and The Sugarhouse. I wore the dress I bought in Liverpool, and got compliments left right and centre, it was amazing! A woman on the bus and a complete stranger in the club both came up and said how lovely I looked, which always make a night better.

Today was supposed to be spent doing work, but a slight hangover and a mountain of washing up prevented a surge in productivity, so I am happy that I've managed to clean the house, do some creative writing critiques and write a couple of blog posts, it's not been a completely wasted day!

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