Sunday 20 March 2011

Weekly Update!

Cheese, Art and Farming?!

I've had a really good time this week. Except for crucial work and lectures/ seminars, I gave myself the week off as a reward for completing the dissertation. On Monday night, the fashion society all came round to my house and we had a cheese and wine night, which was gorgeous! We had about ten different types of cheese, olives, crackers, apple, grapes and chutney, and we gorged and quaffed until we were nicely tiddly and full to burst. We had some classic comedy moments as well, which is always a giggle.

On Tuesday and Wednesday I chilled out at home, watching rubbish TV and eating lots of chocolate and drinking tea. I also popped into town on Wednesday for a few bits, and had a gander at the market which always smells and looks delish.

On Thursday I went to see Ed Pien's 'Momento' exhibition, at a free art gallery with my boyfriend, before he cooked me a lovely curry. It was interesting, it was just one big room with a rope construction, that reminded me of those rope climbing frames you get on children's playgrounds. It had mirrors placed around it and a film playing that caught on the mirrors, so it had quite an eerie feel to it. We were only there for about twenty minutes, but considering it was in a place I'd never been before (The Storey Institute) it was good to discover another part of Lancaster. Afterwards I went to watch LUTG's production of The Rivals at the town hall (see previous post).

On Friday I went to the gym and then had a few friends round for some drinks and a takeaway. They arrived after my corner shop had closed, so we didn't get very drunk, but it was pleasant nonetheless.

Saturday was the arrival of Campusfest, an event on campus that is in its second year. During the day there are stalls and performances by societies, and in the evening there are a few different bands and dancers, topped off with a firework display. It was really good last year, so I was looking forward to it. The day was gloriously sunny, which makes a change for Lancaster,

and after arriving at about 2pm, we settled on a table for the day. We saw the bellydancers and ballroom dancers perform, and had a wander around some of the stalls, which included decorating cakes with the baking society, and playing Guitar Hero with the gaming soc. We went to the bar for a while to watch the rugby (I just followed despite not being a huge fan) and then had bratwursts for £1.50 for tea and watched some of the bands.

Later on in the evening (after borrowing a hoody now the sun had disappeared) I bought a bottle of wine and a white chocolate crepe from The Pancake Man, and watched October Skies and Fables, two bands that some of my friends are in. They were both really good, and it was super chilled, almost like a proper festival. We then headed off to Sugar later on for some dancing. It was really nice to have something to do to fill up a Saturday for once, other than moping and sleeping!

On Sunday I was doing a favour for my friend Danielle. She has applied for a position with Saatchi and Saatchi, and she is required to make an advert for them to judge her on. She chose to do the Yeo Valley advert, so four of us spent the day prancing around in farmer's outfits, 'rapping' and fooling around. It was really good fun, and we also got to see some super cute baby animals on a local farm we filmed at. A jam-packed week that tired me out, but was an awesome way to kick-back after weeks of work stress!

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