Sunday 13 March 2011

Weekly Update!

1 Completed Dissertation, Food- Greek Style, and Pancakes!

This week was the best and worst, in that I had to write the last of my dissertation like a madwoman, but then also had the satisfaction of handing it in and relaxing afterwards. The main reason I was in such a rush to finish was that I spent most of Monday hungover after a spontaneous drinking session with my dad on Sunday evening, and had to make mountains of cakes and biscuits (luckily aided by my mum) to sell at our fashion show on Tuesday. Tuesday was then spent in lectures and rehearsing/ performing in said fashion show. Exhausting!

So Wednesday I had to crack down, and managed to finish the first draft by 1am, which I then edited on Thursday morning, had bound, and handed it in by 4pm. I celebrated by having a pot of tea with my friend (because I'm that crazy) and then in the evening I went to The Trojan Horse, a new Greek restaurant in Lancaster with my boyfriend.

When we first walked in we were a little on edge, as we were the only people in there, but then we were taken upstairs, where a few other tables were occupied. We shared two starters- peppers stuffed with feta cheese, and Dolmades which is sticky rice with mint wrapped in vine leaves. For our main courses we each ordered Souvlaki, basically kebabs, which came with chips, pitta bread, salad and Tsatziki, and the portions were huge. I had a vegetarian option which had courgette, mushrooms, peppers and halloumi cheese, while my boyfriend opted for the pork version, and we swapped a kebab each so we could try both. After a bit of a rest I chose a dessert as well- I was celebrating! I had a triple chocolate surprise, which was delicious, if a little difficult to eat given that it consisted of different types of chocolate layered over each other. The whole meal including a bottle of the house wine came to just over £40, but an error with our student discount meant we got it all for £29- shh!

On Friday I had a much deserved lie in and then hit the gym before going out for my friend's 21st, which was a standard night in Sugar really. I think I felt the need to go out as it would be expected having handed the big D in, but I wasn't too fussed, and came home relatively early. On Saturday I had the most amazing lazy day, without a hint of guilt. I lounged around, watched some bad telly, read a book, made a fabulous curry and then went round to my friend's house where we played card games and got drunk. It was much more what I felt like doing, so I really enjoyed myself.

Yesterday I ventured to the gym again, and then did some work before having a delayed pancake day as I missed it with being at the fashion show. I managed five of various flavours before feeling ridiculously full, but I think that is a fair achievement!

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