Sunday 27 March 2011

Weekly Update!

Bar Crawling, Cupcakes and Roast Dinners

This week started with a chilled out very productive day where I steamed through three readings for my course, cleaned out my rabbit, tidied the house, caught up on some telly and read some of my book, together with eating a considerable amount of chocolate digestives. On Tuesday I hit the gym, and then that night was LUFS final social of the term- a bar crawl around town. We started in Spoons at 8pm, and then went to The Friary, Hustle, Lounge and ended in Revolution with kareoke and shots. Hustle had a 'party night' on, so we were given balloons, jelly shots, party bags with goodies, three drinks for £5 and there were party games and a magician who did card tricks. He also made us a very interesting balloon man! It was a brilliant night, if only the same could be said for the quality of singing in Revs!

Wednesday was lovely and sunny, so I met my friend in town for a Yummy Cupcake (Dime bar if you were wondering) and then cooked a really good pork roast dinner in the evening for my boyfriend Chris and I, before some of our friends came round to chill out later on. On Thursday my parents and grandpa came to visit, and very kindly cleared my garden of weeds and rubbish ready for summer, and my mum dyed my hair for me. That evening I went to Chris' to catch up on some Shameless, it seems every time we are nearly finished with one season, they make another one, so I reckon we'll be watching it a couple of seasons behind forever!

Friday was another gorgeous day so we barbecued (see previous post) and on Saturday I auditioned for next terms LUTG plays, and went for a few drinks at my friends house in the evening. Fingers crossed that I get through to the play recalls, announced tonight! I'm having a lazy day today after being knackered yesterday, acting really takes it out of me, and heading to the quiz later on for the last one of Lent term. A nicely balanced week.

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