Sunday 1 January 2012

Weekly Update!

Family, Friends & 2012 Begins!

This week has been very pleasant, as I am still housesitting so could fit my chores around all my other plans, so I didn't miss out on anything.

On Monday (Boxing Day) it was my mum's birthday, and so we went for a nice walk in Dunham during the day, followed by a meal at a family friend's house with cheese, wine and games. My sister came back to Millington with me for the night afterwards which was good, and then in the morning we got ready for our Christmas Day!

We drove back home, where my grandparents had just arrived, and Chris came shortly afterwards, followed my my auntie, uncle and two young cousins, Adam and Hannah. We opened our presents, ate a full Christmas dinner, and then played some games before Chris and I caught a taxi back to Millington.

The following day we had a lie-in, and then went sale shopping in Stockport with the remainder of the family. I got a lovely teal coat with a red fur trim from Primark, for just £15. Apart from that and a couple of little bits though I didn't get much, as all the good stuff appeared to have gone. That evening I went for a meal at Croma in Manchester with my girlfriends (see previous post).

On Friday I had my hair dyed with the silvery toner I have used before, and then actually got some work done. I went back home later on to stay over ready for an early start yesterday to go to London for New Year (see previous post). Happy 2012!

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