Sunday 8 January 2012

Weekly Update!

Cleaning & Cage-dancing!

This week it was back to work as usual in preparation for the return of the family I am housesitting for- hence the short post. The only time I stopped cleaning and tidying was when Chris came to stay on Wednesday evening, when we had a nice chilli and watched Up! The following day we went to the cinema to see The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, which was amazing (see previous post).

On Friday I had an 'interview' for a full time nannying position with the family I did a temporary job for- said as so because their last nanny has upped and left without any notice, so it was more a question and answer session than an actual interview. Afterwards I drove to Chris' and we went for a pub dinner at a two for one place called The Woodside. We shared potato skins with salsa and then I had chicken topped with cheese and Jack Daniels sauce, while Chris had a surf 'n' turf. The whole meal cost £14, and it was really nice- even if I did get salad instead of corn on the cob with mine as mentioned on the menu!

On Saturday after I had finished working at the pub I drove to Lancaster, as it was my friend Geoff's birthday during the week, so a few of us decided to go out to celebrate. We drank in the house beforehand, and then went to Wetherspoons, Hustle and ended the night in Elements. Elements was full of the locals, who are none too desirable, but it was a fun night, even if I did get stupidly drunk and dance in a cage! The following day I stayed in bed until lunchtime (for obvious reasons!), before having some breakfast and then driving back home in the afternoon, after watching the Manchester derby on TV. Then I had an early night in preparation for my next couple of crazy weeks!

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