Wednesday 18 January 2012

New Tastes...

Yogberries, Hale

Today I had a spare bit of time in between my two jobs (that I've nearly got down to just one!) so I met my mum for a while in Hale. Rather than just go for coffee like we normally would, we thought we'd try out the frozen yoghurt bar there that a few of my friends rave about called Yogberries. It is the only one around, and seems to be proving very popular- all the local schoolgirls go there as the cool hangout after the bell rings!

You choose a size (small, medium or large) and then a flavour of yoghurt that varies seasonally; when we went it was either vanilla, natural or chocolate/ natural swirl. You can then choose different toppings and sauces to go on it. We got a small size (which was plenty big enough for me) with two toppings, and it cost £2.45. I chose the swirled version with mini oreo cookies and raspberries, and my mum had natural with raspberries and blueberries. You can get more toppings or bigger sizes dependent on price.

I've never had frozen yoghurt before, but it was actually really nice. I found the swirled variety a little strange, as the chocolate tastes more like ice cream, so it doesn't go especially well with the natural yoghurt flavour, but my mum's was really nice, so I would probably have that next time. You could get loads of different toppings too- coconut shavings, chocolate coffee beans, passion fruit, peanut butter cups, walnuts, marshmallows, kiwi, honeycomb, it was endless! They also do smoothies, milkshakes and fresh youghurt/ granola/ fruit versions. The wide range meant you really could tailor it to anyone's taste.

It was somewhere a bit different to go, with friendly staff, and great decor! I would definitely recommend trying it out if you're in the area.

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