Sunday 13 May 2012

Weekly Update!

Quizzes, Cocktails & Football!

This week has been another nicely extended one due to a much appreciated bank holiday. I was still working at the pub in the evening, but had the day off to enjoy. I didn't really do much, having spent the majority of Sunday hungover, but it was nice just to relax without feeling awful. I went for a walk with Sam and his dogs in the morning, and then popped into Altrincham for a wander and a coffee at Costa.

On Tuesday I went to the Moss Trooper after I had finished work with Tasha and Charlotte and we did the quiz - though it went on for so long that we left at 10.40pm with four rounds still left to go! On Wednesday after work Mike came round and we booked the hotel for Madrid in July. The three of us are just staying for the one night before we head on to Benicassim, but we found a gorgeous hotel for only £32 each so it should be good fun.

On Thursday I went to Sam's and he cooked a lovely squash, sage and pine nut risotto for tea. We went for a drink at The Greyhound, but it was cut short after we were called to rescue our friend Hannah, who had hurt her ankle playing hockey and couldn't drive home! On Friday I had my nails done and dyed my hair (long overdue) and then went out in Hale for a few drinks in the evening. Hana was home from university for the night, so we had cocktails in Hale Bar & Grill and Hogan's while we had a catch-up which was nice. It wasn't too late a night as we all had fairly early starts on Saturday.

On Saturday evening after work I went to a friend's 30th party at The Brasserie in Altrincham. It was fairly quiet to begin with, but there was a brilliant Irish band playing, and after a few cocktails (2 for £10!) and vodka jelly shots the place livened up and we were there until gone 2am. I felt horrendous today (a pattern is definitely occuring!) so I spent a lot of the day in bed; although I managed to venture out for a cooked breakfast in the sunshine this morning. This afternoon we went to The Chapel House in Mobberley to watch the football. We got some food while we were there - I had scampi and chips - and it was a good laugh with everyone there going crazy whenever someone scored. I just wish I had another Monday off now!

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