Friday 11 May 2012

Candid Article 15

Best Of British

With this year not only being William and Kate’s firstwedding anniversary, but the Queen’s diamond jubilee and the Olympics, Britainis high in the talking point stakes, and patriotism is everywhere. Despite HerRoyal Highness hardly being at the top of the list when we think of modernfashion icons, no one can deny that she is always immaculately turned out. Shehas a team of designers on hand to make sure she looks her best at all times,armed with a budget that would make women everywhere turn green with envy. Withthis in mind, I thought I’d take a few styles that the Queen frequentlypartakes in, and show how they have been inspiring various designers recently.

The Queen is a fan of the two piece suit, and it is a trendthat is gaining in popularity amongst women for everyday wear rather than justin the office. Design houses such as Dolce and Gabbana, Vivienne Westwood, TomFord and Stella McCartney have all featured suits in their catwalks, inmaterials varying from simple plain white cotton (Tom Ford) to the more bulkytweed (Stella McCartney) to black brocaded fabric at D&G. Suits are nolonger restricting and uncomfortable, but can be sexy, by incorporating a pencilskirt with a risqué slit, or add a bit of edge as was achieved with grey designsat Vivienne Westwood, which were worn with ruffled shirts.

For the Queens’ trips to the countryside, she is often seenin the more muted shades of brown and green, donning a hat or thick woollencoat. We have already witnessed a rise in people clamouring for Barbour jacketsand Hunter wellies over the past couple of years, and rural chic has now spreadto other garments, with tartan, felt and tweed becoming more common fabricchoices among designers such as Burberry and Ralph Lauren, and riding bootsmaking a comeback. Quilted and belted coats were worn by models on the Mulberrycatwalks, and tailored trousers paired with knee length riding style boots andtrouser clips were on show at Gucci, where dark purple and navy blue gave thetrend a gothic twist.

Obviously Her Majesty is not short of a gem or two, and deepjewel tones have been on the colour palette for the past few seasons. Recentlythough, a more simple approach has been taken, with silver and gold shades appearingon catwalks for Marc Jacobs and Diesel Black and Gold, using gorgeously shinyfabrics to create an ethereal shimmer like that of metal. Gold colouredjewellery is also top of the list of things to buy ready for the summer, thechunkier the better.
These are just a few trends that nod towards Britain’smonarch in the style stakes, showing her surprising influence on the fashionworld; and together with more old-fashioned British traditions such ascrocheting being revived ready for summer, it is clear we are a nation not tobe ignored.

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