Sunday 20 May 2012

Weekly Update!

Good Reads, Homemade Pizzas & The Great Manchester Run!

This week again was fairly quiet to begin with, which I think is becoming a habit, mainly due to me working Monday evenings at the pub, and working until 7.30pm on Tuesdays, leaving little time for socialising. I did take part in Aum's school sponsored walk on Tuesday morning though, which was good fun, though supervising 60 children across busy roads was a little testing on the nerves! At least the weather was good which was one less thing to worry about.

On Wednesday my grandpa came for the day before travelling to Jersey for a holiday, so we had a nice roast dinner and sticky toffee pudding for dessert which was gorgeous, and then I went to the cinema with Charlotte. We went to see the new Johnny Depp film Dark Shadows (see previous post) which was really good.

On Thursday I had a coffee and cake in Costa coffee in the morning whilst I finished my book Growing Up which I really recommend (see previous post again!). In the evening Sam came to stay and we had a lovely Italian meal courtesy of my mum - bruschetta, olives and balsamic vinegar, followed by homemade lasagne and apple torte with ice cream. We watched Shutter Island after tea which I've wanted to see for ages, and it was really good, if one that you have to really concentrate for!

On Friday I had people around to mine for the evening, and we had a few drinks and made our own pizzas. It was a nice, sociable chilled out night, and our pizzas came out really well, three between five of us was too much because they were so filling! I was working Saturday literally from 11.30am until 11.30pm, as I went straight from the pub to babysit Aum. It was good as it meant I couldn't go out before my 10km run this morning, so I did it in a personal best time of 57 minutes! I was very chuffed, and it was a really great atmosphere to be surrounded by. The weather was perfect for running, and a few people came down to support me and Smeed who I was running with, which was really lovely.

This evening we got a Chinese takeaway, and then Sam and I went into Hale for a few drinks with Lydia at Piccolino's (I had the delicious Fruits of the Forest cocktail!) and then The American Bar. Because I had such an early start, it felt like I had made the most of my day, and I'll be going to bed shattered after being so busy!

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