Thursday 3 May 2012

Traveller's Tales...

New York City (Part 3)

The Sunday was spent quite hungover, so we took the day slow. We had booked to go to Ground Zero at 4pm, so we set off in plenty of time to get there leisurely. We stopped for food in Grand Central Station again, I had a slice of pizza and a brownie and caramel cake from Magnolia Bakery.
When we got to Ground Zero we had to go through rigorous security to get in, but to be honest I was slightly disappointed. I expected a tour or some kind of museum, however it was literally the two commemorative fountains where the towers stood and that was it. It was beautiful and very serene and I am glad I went, but it wasn't really what I expected. Afterwards we stayed in the same area and went shopping for a bit and then we went back to East Village to Panya for some tea. I had tempura king prawns in a noodle soup, it was gorgeous!
Once we had finished eating and sat chatting for a bit, we went to the Yankee Stadium to watch the baseball. It was a good experience, and the stadium was completely unlike anything I'd seen before, it was enormous! We didn't know the rules though so it was quite hard to follow, and a pretty stop-start sort of game, so we left before it finished; apparently the games can go on for upto three hours!
Monday was our last full day, so we got up, packed most of our stuff up and took it easy until mid-morning, when we all began to get a little peckish. We went back to Soho and ate at Benny's Burritos, which was a cute little Mexican that served the most amazing food - I had the low carb plate which had guacamole, sour cream, rice, tortillas, cheese, salsa and chicken, and I had a pint of frozen raspberry margarita, I was drunk by lunchtime! We went into a few vintage shops after and I got some really nice high waisted Levis denim shorts for $15, I have been looking for a pair for ages.

We spent the afternoon enjoying the sunshine in Central Park; Abi, Hana and Tasha hired a boat on the lake, but Lydia and I stuck to dry land and sunbathed instead. Later in the evening we went for tea at Outback, an Australian steakhouse that Hana and Abi had been to before in Florida. We shared a huge deep fried onion for starter, and then you got to choose the weight of your steak, how it was cooked and any toppings, along with two side dishes. I opted for Caesar salad and a baked sweet potato with sour cream. Afterwards we went home one last time and finished packing before getting a fairly early night, it was a sad evening!

In the morning Abi was at work so we said our goodbyes before she left. We had brunch at the same place as on Saturday, Virage. This time I had the chorizo and eggs - yum! We said goodbye to Hana as she was getting an earlier flight to us, and then 
wandered about for a bit before dropping the apartment keys back to Abi and heading to the airport.

This trip was hands down the best week of my life, and I had so much fun with my girls! None of us wanted to leave, but we are all looking forward to seeing Abi when she moves back to the UK in July.

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