Wednesday 7 November 2012

Autumn Sounds...

Billy Talent

Last night, I went to see Billy Talent at Manchester Academy. I went with my high school ex boyfriend and his best friend, who I had not seen for five years! We had a few drinks in a bar to begin with, and then headed to the venue at about half nine ready for the show to start.

The gig was in Academy 1, which is the largest of the three arenas, and I was surprised at how busy it was, considering they are not a hugely well-known band over here. I saw them in 2007 with the same people in the same place, so it was fun to take a trip down memory lane and feel like a teenager again!

They were really good live, and I was impressed at the range of tracks they played - unlike a lot of bands that try to plug the newest album by playing every song off it and then chuck in a few oldies to keep the crowd happy, Billy Talent actually performed at least two tunes off each of their previous three albums as well as their new material. I was especially happy that they played Line and Sinker, as not only is it one of my favourites, but it also really reminds me of being young and jumping around to it at home with my sister!

The tickets were only £17 which I thought was really good value (considering I have just forked out £26 to see Ellie Goulding in the smaller venue) and we went for a few more drinks afterwards in an old haunt called The Garrett which ended the night on a high!

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