Sunday 18 November 2012

Weekly Update!

Ceilidhs & Chippy Tea!

Another fairly quiet week, but it's been good as I've had a couple of easy days at work due to it being Diwali on Tuesday so I finished a few hours earlier (and I got given a huge box of Thorntons Continental!) and Aum having a playdate at a friend's house on Friday so I dropped him at school and finished for the weekend! Aside from working at the pub and doing the usual gymming, I didn't do anything sociable on weeknights week, which is probably for the best as I'm running very low on pennies at the moment!

On Friday Abi decided to come home from uni at the last minute, so the two of us went out in Alderley Edge to The Botanist for a couple of drinks. I drove as was leaving early on Saturday morning for Devon, but it was nice to get out of the house to somewhere with a bit of atmosphere. We were home by midnight which was ideal, so I got a decent sleep despite having to get up at 8am! 

It took us just over 3.5 hours to get to Brixham in Devon, but Dad was driving so I could have a nice snooze on the drive there. We went to say hello to the Smiths (no, not the band) the family friends we were staying with, before going to our families house to catch up with everyone. There was definitely a house full! We then went back to where we were staying to get ready for the party, as it was my great auntie and uncle's 50th wedding anniversary. We had been told it was a ceilidh (where an irish band play music and the guests are shown dances and then perform them) but weren't told about the 'barndance' dress code, so we were all in nice dresses whilst most were in cowboy boots and checked shirts! I wasn't too bothered though, I am often overdressed for family occasions, it's not like I shy away from attention!

It all kicked off at 7.30pm, and everyone quickly got into the spirit of things dancing away. I have never been to anything like it, but it was so much fun, and made the night very social as everyone spoke and danced with each other. As the night progressed everyone was more and more drunk and making mistakes which was hilarious! We had a break in the middle to eat some food, which was amazing - there was a choice of chilli, beef stronganoff, curry, a prawn and salmon creamy casserole and a couple of pasta dishes which you could have as much of as you wanted, and then there was chocolate torte, pavlova, fruit salad or trifle for dessert, and a cheeseboard! I was very full afterwards, and had to sit out the first dance, much to the compères dismay, as he'd taken quite a shine to me, and was ridiculing me in front of everyone!

The party ended at midnight, and we all took some cupcakes home to eat in the taxi which were delicious. I was really tired so pretty much went straight to bed, but the 'adults' stayed up until the early hours quaffing wine - I felt very clear headed compared to them this morning! We had bacon sandwiches and packed up, before saying our goodbyes to both houses and setting off for Timperley. It took us a little longer on the way home, but we were still back by 4pm, ready for a chippy tea and I'll be indulging in an early night I think!

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