Sunday 11 November 2012

Weekly Update!

Christmas Coffee, Chinese & Unusual Buys!

My week got off to a good start - on Monday I sampled my first Christmas Starbucks coffee of the year (Toffee Nut Latte), which was amazing, and I also started a book by one of my favourite authors - Haruki Murakami. I worked at the pub in the evening, but it was really quiet as it was Bonfire Night, gutted I didn't get to see any fireworks this year!

On Tuesday I got a very exciting piece of post, a Save The Date from my best uni friend Laura and her fiance Dickon for their wedding next summer, unbelievably happy for the pair of them! I went to see Billy Talent in the evening after work (see previous post), which was a crazy rush as I finished late, but I made it in the end. I went for a coffee and slice of peanut butter and chocolate cake (as awesome as it sounds!) whilst Aum was at drama club on Wednesday, and then babysat for him until about 11pm, so it was nice just to have a chilled night in at home on Thursday evening.

On Friday my parents went away for the weekend, so I cooked myself fish and sweet potato chips for tea and relaxed in front of the TV. Lydia came around later on and we had a good natter until 2.30am - time always flies when we get chatting! I got up early on Saturday without a hangover for once, and the weather was so lovely I went for a run in the sunshine instead of the gym session I had planned. I spent the day doing some writing and research for a couple of magazine articles, and then in the evening Emily came to mine and we had a little Chinese banquet courtesy of Iceland! Then later on Tasha came and we had a few drinks before heading out into Altrincham.

We started in The Classroom with a cocktail, but there were some sketchy looking people in there, so we moved swiftly on to High Society. The bar staff were ridiculous in there - having to check the menus for what was in cocktails, and Emily's was basically chocolate Frijj with Baileys in! We ended the night in Bloom Live, which is always a fun night, and there was a really good Gospel type band on which got everyone in a good mood. I saw my gym instructor and one of Aum's teachers in there which was a little weird, but everyone was enjoying themselves so it wasn't awkward at all. Once the band had finished normal  music came on, and by this time everyone was well up for it, and we stayed dancing until half one before getting a lift home.

Today I had a leisurely lie in before making some pancakes for my breakfast, and then I met up with Abi and Tasha for a coffee. Afterwards I went to TK Maxx with the intention of looking for ski boots, but came away with a black floaty dress and a gold spiked bra, typical me!

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