Sunday 4 November 2012

Weekly Update!

Lego, Dining Out & Bond

Aum was on half term this week, so it's been quite varied. On Monday and Thursday he was at a drama club during school hours though so I didn't have a completely manic week luckily! On Tuesday we went to the Manchester Museum (see previous post) and on Wednesday his parents took the day off and took him out, so I got to have a random day free which was nice. I babysat in the evening, and Lydia came with me so we had a good catchup once Aum had gone to bed which was nice. It was Halloween, but surprisingly we had no Trick or Treaters come knocking both at Aum's or at home, which must be a first, it was quite depressing to see everyone on Facebook dressing up and going out when I had no plans this year - obviously shows that I am getting old!

On Thursday after work I went out for drinks with an old colleague who I had coffee with a couple of weeks ago - we have loads in common and it was nice to have a drink with a guy as a friend and it not feel really awkward or forced, refreshing! On Friday I took Aum and his cousin to the Legoland discovery centre at the Trafford Centre, but I was quite disappointed to be honest. Obviously I wasn't expecting to be entertained as it was for the kids to enjoy, but for the £12 entry fee you don't really get very much - there are a couple of little rides, a ballpark and a few interactive things where you can build a car and race it, and watch someone make a lego model and you can copy it and keep it, but I'd say you easily do the whole centre in a couple of hours. It was an experience though, and at least I know to advise people not to bother with it now!

In the evening I went out for some drinks with Lydia in Hale, which was fun. We had a cocktail in Hale Bar & Grill, and then moved on to Piccolinos where we got chatting to a few different people. Then we went to Suburbia until it shut, which totally wasn't part of the plan for a 'quiet couple', but it was a really good night nonetheless. On Saturday I had arranged to meet my friend Claire from university for lunch; she lives in Paris and was flying into Manchester so I picked her up and we went to Gastronomy in Hale. I had a bacon, brie and caramelised onion hot sandwich and then we shared a big pot of tea and a bowl of chips. It was great to catch up, especially as Claire is working as a nanny as well, so we had plenty of stories to share! In the evening I went into Manchester for Charlotte's birthday and we ate at Dukes Grill (see previous post) before heading on to Revolution. Most people left relatively early, but Lydia and I stayed out until it closed, before going back to a flat with some guys we had met for a few more drinks. It was a really funny night, Lyd and I always seem to have the best times when we get together!

Today I went shopping in Stockport with my mum, despite having no money to spend! I still managed to come back with a jumper, and a t-shirt from Primark with popart Marmite pictures on the front which is cool. We drove back home and had a lovely king prawn stir fry for tea before I went out to see the new Bond film with my dad. It was really good, and didn't finish too late like I thought it would, which is a blessing as I am absolutely shattered!

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