Sunday 17 February 2013

Weekly Update

Caviar, Buckets & Piercings!

This week has been another good one! On Monday the pub was dead so I finished at 9pm which was appreciated as I was really tired after the weekend. On Tuesday I went to the gym and for a swim in the evening, and got some gorgeous sushi for tea at the country club - king crab and asparagus roll with scallop cerviche and caviar. I had a chilled one that night and on Wednesday did Body Pump and tried hot yoga for the first time. It was good, but was a lot faster than any yoga I've done before so not sure I benefited as much. Also the heat made me feel a little woozy, so not my favourite class! That evening I went out for drinks in town with Phil which was nice, although I completely bailed at one point - rather embarrassing... (pretty funny though!)

On Thursday I did Bokwa again, though I was disappointed to learn that it is being cancelled due to unpopularity which is a shame, it's one of the only quasi dance classes that I am coordinated enough to do! In the evening I went out with Abi and her sister Anna (see previous post). On Friday I did a Body Combat class that was ridiculously draining, but at least I felt like I had properly worked out. In the evening Mo came round and I made us some nachos and fajitas which was tasty, and then we got drunk! It was cool just to chat and have a few bevvies without spending loads by going out.

On Saturday evening I got ready and got a lift to Emily and Smeed's with Tasha and we had a few drinks before going into town for a night out. We were going to go back to Revolucion de Cuba, but the queue was huge so we went to Liars Club instead. Tasha and I scored a £30 bucket cocktail for £20 because someone had changed their order, and luckily it was delicious. It was meant for upto six people so lasted us the entire night, and got us pretty hammered, and the music being played was a proper blend, so we all had a really fun night. We headed home at 2.30am falling asleep in the taxi! Annoyingly I caught one of my bellybutton microdermal piercings when I was getting into bed, and it half came out, luckily it didn't hurt though.

The following day once I was up and ready I went into Manchester to try and get my piercing sorted. Unfortunately they were fully booked up for the day, and also said I would have to have it removed and re-pierced, so that's £40 wasted! In an attempt to make my journey more worthwhile/ cheer myself up, I stopped in Costa Coffee for a lemonade and to read my book, and then met up with Mo for a hot chocolate as he was working in town. Afterwards I drove home and had a quiet evening with an early-ish night as I was knackered!

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