Sunday 24 February 2013

Weekly Update!

Schools Out, Shopping & Suede!

This week has been half term, I survived! It has actually been really fun having a week of doing stuff with Aum, and we were really lucky that the weather has been quite pleasant the whole time.

On Monday he was tired after a hectic weekend with family, so we just went to Stamford park for a couple of hours and then met up with Abi and Tasha in Cafe Gourmand for a cake and drink. I had the afternoon tea, which was a finger sandwich with any filling (I chose chicken, avocado and goats cheese) any hot drink (tea, of course) and a cake; I opted for the carrot variety. Annoyingly I got a parking ticket which put a slight dampener on the day, but it was my own fault so mustn't grumble. The pub that I work at is currently closed, so I went to a class at the gym and then chilled out in the evening.

The following day we went to Stockley Farm, which was lovely (see previous post) and when I got back from work Mum and Dad were back from their holiday in Trinidad, so I had a good natter with them and looked at their photos.

On Wednesday Aum had a tennis lesson, so I got to fit a class in which was good. We went for a swim afterwards and then had a late lunch in the restaurant. I went for lime and chilli prawn skewers, but got them with some chunky chips as I fancied being naughty. We didn't do much in the afternoon as we were both pretty shattered, just watched some TV and his mum got home quite early so I got to finish. I was intending doing yoga in the evening, but swerved it as I felt I had reached my exercise quota for the day!

On Thursday I took Aum and his friend Max to Crocky Trail, which was loads of fun (see previous post) and then in the evening Mo (who is now my boyfriend :)) came round for some food and to watch a film. I was so beat after spending the day running around! I got a text that evening inviting Aum to the cinema and for lunch at a friends the next day which was a bonus, so once he had gone at 11am I had the day to myself until half 3, when I picked him up an took him for a haircut. His mum was back once we got home, so I went home and had a nap before dying my hair purple again, and going to the cinema to see Cloud Atlas with Mo (see next weeks post).

Saturday I woke bright and early to go and visit Jas in Leeds with Mum. We went shopping and had a Subway for lunch before coming back in the early evening. I got a couple of nice dresses from Ark that were fairly cheap, shame it was money I shouldn't really have been spending!

That evening I went into Manchester with Tasha, Emily and Smeed. We went to Taps for cocktails and then ended in Suede, which was an experience! It was pretty fun though. I was very lucky as I'd forgotten my ID so we couldn't get into a few places, but managed to sweet talk the bouncer there!

Today was a lazy day, I was supposed to be going for lunch with Luke from skiing, but we got our wires crossed so I slept for another couple of hours and then did some work on my blog. Mum made a really nice Greek style meal for tea with tzatsiki, pitta bread, chicken souvlaki, Greek salad and rosemary potatoes, which was a good end to a fun week!

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