Sunday 10 February 2013

Weekly Update!

Buck Rarebit, Bokwa & Booze!

This week was my first full one at home alone with Mum and Dad being in Trinidad, which has been good! On Monday I got a bit of a lie in before going to collect Aum from Pontefract, and I dropped him off and then went to the Trafford Centre for some phone chargers from the Apple shop (rip off!).

On Tuesday I tried the new gym out for the first time - amazing! I did a proper workout: run, weights, floorwork and then went for a swim whilst Aum had his lesson too. We ate at the restaurant, this time I had salmon with sweet potatoes and broccoli which was lovely, if a little small. On Wednesday I did a good class called Body Pump that really worked me hard, and then I went for lunch at Cafe Gourmand with Rick from uni who was nearby for the day. I had Buck Rarebit, which was basically normal Welsh Rarebit but with two poached eggs on top, served with salad with a really tasty zingy dressing, it was amazing! Rick then came with me to get Aum, which was a little weird but not bad, and then he drove home afterwards. In the evening my friend Mo came round and we just chilled out which was nice, was good to have some company in the house.

On Thursday I did a cool class called Bokwa (supposedly the new Zumba) where you moved in shapes of numbers and letters to music which was all really up-to-date, I loved it! The instructor had an amazing body as well, so here's hoping it does the trick. In the evening I didn't really do much, just sorted the house out properly for people coming to stay tomorrow and then caught an early night to stock up on sleep!

On Friday I went to a Body Sculpt class with the campest instructor ever! It was good fun though. After I had showered I went to Tesco on a booze run (£93's worth!) then had my nails done for the first time in a month before collecting Aum. It's so nice for them to be presentable again, I chose a lovely bright red as they are short so look better either dark shades or red. I popped in to see Abi for a cuppa and a homemade strawberry cupcake on the way home from work which was really nice, we had a proper catch up and I filled her in on all the gossip. I finished sorting out beds and stuff, and then went to collect Brian and Amanda from the met stop at around half 8. Geoff and Chris got stuck in a traffic jam, and Laura and Joe's train wasn't arriving until 11pm, so we started drinking late, but continued catching up until the early hours, when a few were slightly worse for wear!

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