Sunday 9 February 2014


A Good Christening!

Last night was my long awaited flatwarming party, and what a party it was! 

After 'sending out' invites (Facebook of course!) to over 50 people, I expected about 20 to turn up, if that. I put this mainly down to the usual, other commitments, too far to travel, difficult to get home afterwards - HOWEVER. Upon checking around with people, I had 28 confirmed, which quickly multiplied on the day to 31 in total; we struggled to fit in! In fact, by the end of the night, people had spread into my bedroom and the spare room lounging on the beds, creating a proper house party vibe which I loved.

The first of my guests arrived on Friday, having travelled from Newcastle and Exeter, hence wanting to prolong the visit as much as possible. A couple of Mo's uni friends that I have got to know came for dinner on Saturday, which was nice, definitely the calm before the storm! My mum was an absolute star helping me with last minute preparations, buying breakfast and snack stuff and cooking a spaghetti bolognese (the carbs were appreciated later on!) before leaving us to it. 

More uni friends came on Saturday evening, including a friend from my course who I haven't seen since we graduated, followed by all my friends from home, my ski rep from last year and his girlfriend, more of Mo's friends, and later on, even a few who had been at a gig in town and made it - I was so chuffed at the effort everyone made! Mo managed to break down, but made it for 9pm, so not too shabby!

All the food got eaten, I got bought some beautiful cards and presents, (including a miniature orchid, booze, chocolate and a candle in a glass jar that smells like heaven!) and everyone genuinely seemed like they had an awesome time. With a sore head today, it has been lovely getting so many texts commenting on a great night, and asking when my next party will be... soon I hope!

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