Sunday 9 February 2014

Weekly Update!

Sushi, Steak & Cake!

This week has been a build up to my housewarming really, so I haven't done a great deal. On Monday I met up with Tasha and Abi and Dave the guy Abi is seeing, and we went to Gastronomy for some lunch. I had a bacon and brie panini (seem to have it every time!) and a few cups of tea. I had to dash off to get Aum from school, but it was nice to meet Dave and chat to the girls albeit briefly. 

On Tuesday I went to the country club and had peking duck sushi, which given that I don't normally like duck (I find it a bit too dry) was delicious, though I think Aum was a bit gutted he didn't get it! On Thursday I went round to Mum and Dad's for squash stuffed with cous cous, feta and pine nuts for tea and then stayed back at mine.

On Friday Geoff and Brian arrived for the weekend, and Rick came as he lives nearby so we went out for a few drinks and some dinner at The Flying Horse at the end of my road. What was supposed to be quiet drinks turned into a 3am drinking session, typical when us uni lot get together!

Yesterday I spent the day prepping for the party with Mum (see previous post) while the lads went into town and met a few others before heading back. Today I've been hella hungover, but feel a bit better now, so Mo is making steak for dinner and I've cooked a Betty Cocker chocolate orange swirl cake for dessert - yum! 

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