Sunday 16 February 2014

Weekly Update!

Jazzy Veg & Marshmallow Icing!

This has been another quiet week, though this weekend has been fun. On Tuesday at the Country Club I had teriyaki lamb rump medallions with a ginger and spring onion dressing, accompanied by chargrilled broccoli and asparagus in a peanut-sesame dressing. The veg was amazing, I would just have that as a snack on a lunch time, the dressing really perked it up. The lamb was deliciously tender and again, the dressing complimented it nicely.

On Wednesday Mum came round during the day to finish my wardrobe off so I finally have all my clothes hung up and looking lovely! I took Aum to the Cake Gallery that evening as he skipped drama and I was babysitting - I had a raspberry and white chocolate sponge with raspberry pieces in the cake and marshmallow in the icing, it was amazing!

On Thursday I had a chilled one, caught up with some writing and jobs around the house. Friday was Valentines Day (see previous post) and on Saturday I spent the day testing out my new curlers (slight fail, but not too bad) and writing an article for London Fashion Week. In the evening Mo and I went out for dinner with friends at a place in town called Dogs N Dough (see previous post) and today has been spent recovering and writing a few more Fashion Week articles for Candid. They will be up next week for you to look at!

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