Saturday 8 February 2014

New Flat Part 5!

The Final Chapter

So this is it - my final 'New Flat' instalment, as most thing are now done, and those that aren't are not worthy of a post! From time to time I'm sure I'll include things in my 'Weekly Update' posts about items I've bought etc, but for now, here are the last few photos of things that have happened this week in my lovely abode.

The first major development, is that I now have gorgeous floor-to-ceiling wardrobes, with enough space finally for all of my clothes (or very nearly!). They are high- gloss grey and were £450 from Ikea, this included the frame, doors, 3 clothes rails, 3 shelves, two wire baskets with hinges and home delivery. It may seem a lot, but it is great to be able to make your own package with whatever configurations you want inside, and to be fair, wardrobes are always a bulky investment anyway. The only other thing that has changed this week, is that the shelving unit in my hallway is in place, and I have put lots of knick-knacks and pictures on it, to make it a bit more homely. 

Moving out and sorting and furnishing a whole new flat has been a very long, stressful, tiring draining and expensive process, but I am so thrilled with how everything has come together, and I wouldn't change a thing... at least for a few years!

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