Sunday 5 October 2014

Weekly Update!

Girls, Greek Food & Glastonbury!

This week has been full of ups and downs. Monday and Tuesday were as normal, we ate at the Country Club where I had amazing fish and chips, and then I babysat on Tuesday, and again on Wednesday, so was good to earn some money. On Thursday I went for lunch at Oxford Road Cafe with Laura, where I had eggs Benedict, and then in the evening I went to see Gone Girl with Emily and Abi (see previous post).

Friday was where the down started, as Mo and I broke up, which wasn't the best start to the weekend. Luckily I had a fun trip to Carlisle planned with the girls to visit Lydia, which helped to take my mind off things. We set off mid-afternoon and arrived just before tea time to get ready to go out for a meal. We went to a Greek place called Alexandros, which was a cute little restaurant with a friendly, welcoming atmosphere. I had the lamb shank with vegetables followed by a honey, plum and nut cake, which was a little too sweet for my liking, but I ate it all the same!

Afterwards we went for a few drinks, firstly in a chain type bar and then after a quick shot at another venue, we went to a cocktail bar called Eaten By Monsters, where we hit the zombies! It was a bit creepy downstairs, almost like the set of a horror film (perhaps the name was inspired by it?!). We then moved on to another bar called The Last Zebra, which was really cool, it had a huge cocktail menu and animal skins on the walls - as well as some awesome toilets with massive mirrors and thrones in them!

On the Sunday we were up early to buy Glastonbury tickets, which we all managed to get (woop!) and then we headed home just after lunchtime. A really great weekend to break me into impending single life!

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