Sunday 26 October 2014

Weekly Update!

Stoke, Singing & Stalls!

Aum has been off school this week, so it has been a usual one of going out for lunches and doing fun stuff! On Tuesday we tried the Oxford Road Cafe (see previous post) and on Wednesday we went and played crazy golf at the Trafford Centre. Thursday we had a lazy day and a swim in the pool,and it was Diwali, so they gave me a box of Laduree macaroons as a present, which didn't last long! I babysat in the evening for one of Aum's old HPS school friends.

On Friday we went to Carluccio's for lunch with one of Aum's current school friends and his family. I opted for a salad, but it was still pretty naughty as it had blue cheese, walnuts and bacon on it! I finished work quite early and rushed home to pack for a night at one of my old uni friend's houses in Stoke with all the usual crew. We just stayed in as people were all arriving at different times, had a nice spaghetti bolognese and quite a lot to drink!

The next day we had traditional oatcakes for breakfast, which were amazing! Definitely something I will seek out again. Then after a lazy start we went bowling for something to do, which was actually pretty fun, I haven't been with anyone other than Aum in forever. I set off for home at about 3pm as that evening I was at a Katy B gig with Emily. We drove in, and then afterwards went for a couple in Piccolinos in Hale to meet up with the girls who were already out there.

I stayed at Mum and Dad's and today have been for a mooch at Altrincham Market with Jasmine and Mum which was cool; it has recently been renovated and is full on trendy market chic, with an artisan pizzeria, home ground coffee house and live music. We stayed there for a while, grabbed some food and looked at some of the stalls (which sold everything from art prints to fur coats, to jewellery made from cutlery and home baked brownies!) and came home early this evening for some tea. Great week of fun, socialising and eating!

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