Sunday 12 October 2014

Weekly Update!

New Experiences & Bad Decisions!

My first week as a singleton has actually been not only easier than I thought, but also not that different to my last few weeks in a couple, as I was barely seeing Mo anyway. The key has been keeping busy, not too difficult to acheive when ive been struggling to fit all my writing in with having Aum full time and gymming.

On Monday I did a yoga class in the evening, and Tuesday I ate at the Country Club where I had tempura prawns and Dragonfly sushi (yellow-fin tuna maki roll wrapped in lemon sole topped with crab mayo and baked with spicy ponzu). On Wednesday I was brave and went to my first gig solo (see previous post), which was a scary experience, but I'm glad I went, even if I drove there and literally stayed for the forty minute set and then drove home!

On Thursday I met up with Abi for a coffee and cake at And The Dish Ran Away With The Spoon in Didsbury, I had a toffee popcorn cupcake which was very naughty but I deserve it this week. On Saturday I lounged around for most of the day, and then went out in Manchester with Laura and her flatmates (her new house is amazing!), and Tasha came along too. It was nice to meet some new people and go to a couple of different bars in the Northern Quarter - Kosmonaut and Guilty, which both turned out to be pretty good, but then you can't really go wrong in that part of town.

On Sunday I made the stupid decision of doing Go Ape! with my sister whilst hungover (see previous post). The venture has probably scarred me for life, but luckily I had a nice dinner to go back to at my parents, before catching a (sort of) early night.

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