Saturday 27 December 2014


Christmas Eve/ Day

It's that time of year again! Christmas is always pretty unconventional in our house because we have so many people to see and catch up with, but this year it was surprisingly normal. Christmas Eve I spent at a party at Emily and Smeed's house, which was loads of fun - they'd made slow cooked pulled pork, and homemade yule log, cupcakes, macaroons; perfect spread by them as per! Most people went into Hale and Alty at around 10pm, but I wasn't too bothered so stuck around at theirs drinking prosecco until 2am!

Christmas Day was started with opening our stocking presents - still on the end of my parents bed despite us now being 22 and 24! We then had Bucks fizz and eggs Benedict for breakfast before getting changed and settling down to open our main presents. I got some great stuff, and every year expect the pile of presents to be smaller yet it never is!

For Christmas dinner we had prawn cocktail followed by a five bird roast which was tasty, and then we had a lazy evening watching bits of TV and playing some classic games before going to bed fairly early for once at around midnight. We had to wait until Mum was in bed as we had lots of banners and balloons to put up as it was her 50th on Boxing Day!

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