Sunday 7 December 2014

Weekly Update!

Playboy Sushi & Blow Dries!

This week has been fairly chilled, not much to report that hasn't already been given its own post. I ate at the Country Club on Tuesday and had the playboy sushi which had rare beef steak on top of the rice roll which contained lobster - a little bit extravagant and super tasty!

I had a half day at work on Wednesday so went for a coffee at Abi's in the afternoon before hitting the Christmas markets in the evening (see previous post). On Thursday I had my hair cut which was much needed, I felt like a Desperate Housewife afterwards as the blow dry she gave me was huge! I babysat on Friday, and then spent the weekend in Daresbury/ Chester with the family to celebrate Jasmine's birthday (see previous post).

Today I had an article to write once I was home, and now Mo is round for a chilled evening, feels nice to be lacking a hangover on a Sunday!

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