Sunday 28 December 2014

Weekly Update!

Food, Food & Food!!

So this is it, the final post of 2014! On Monday I went to Carluccios for lunch with Aum and his friend AJ, and Abi joined us. I had the chicken and prune salad which was delicious, washed down with a couple of lattes. On Tuesday we had quite a lazy day at work, and then ate at the Country Club - I tried the chicken breast with king prawns and red curry sauce which looked very nicely presented and tasted even better. It was my last day at work so I swapped presents with Aum and his parents and toddled home for the evening.

Wednesday/ Thursday were of course Christmas Eve/ Day (see previous post) and on Friday it was Boxing Day and Mum's 50th, so we had the whole family descend on us for a massive buffet spread and some fun and games as usual when we all get together. Yesterday I did a yoga class, and then Grandma, Grandad, Grandpa and Mum came round for lunch at the flat, as the oldies hadn't seen it for ages and I've done a lot to it since then! In the evening Mo came round and we got a Chinese and chilled out, was nice to have some peace after the chaos of Christmas! 

Today I went into Stockport shopping with Mum and Jasmine, got a few Primark goodies (nice new underwear and some gym stuff) and then went round to Abis for a glass of wine and to see Srishti who was home for the weekend. Excited to enjoy my next week off and for New Year's Eve next week! 

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