Sunday 14 December 2014

Weekly Update!

Zombies, Articulate & Sneaking!

On Monday I saw Bombay Bicycle Club (see previous post), who were amazing, and definitely worth me buying a ticket last minute for. I went with Lydia and Lizzie, and we bumped into Kelly and James there too which was cool. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nothing much happened, I had a gorgeous dinner at Mum and Dad's of meat, falafel and halloumi on the sizzler, gymmed and stayed at Mo's, and babysat for a bit of extra money, where I made a lovely prawn rice dish.

On Friday after work I got the train to Luke's and had some Mexican food with him and his two friends from school. We were going to do the Christmas markets, but it was pouring down, so we opted for a few drinks instead. We started in Soup Kitchen, and then moved on to Hula Tiki where we hit the zombies. We didn't want a super heavy night so went home at 12pm, and played a couple of games of Articulate, very civilised!

Yesterday I got the train home and met Abi for a spa day at the Country Club which was really chilled and great to have a mammoth catch up. In the evening we went out to Manchester for Jasmine's birthday (see previous post) and today after sneaking Mo out of my parents' house this morning (my dad doesn't know we're seeing each other again, awkward!) I had a roast dinner and am now chilling at Mo's for the evening.

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