Saturday 4 December 2010

Days Out...

The Clothes Show!

Today, along with twenty two other LUFS members and their friends, I ventured to the Birmingham NEC for The Clothes Show Live. We travelled by coach, as trains were far to complicated/expensive (and in weather like this, very unpredictable!) and arrived after two and a half hours ready to shop to our heart's content.

My mum, sister and a few family friends were all there already having travelled from Manchester, so I met up with them to go around the stalls briefly before the show. I didn't get chance to buy anything before we went to queue up, but I'm glad we left when we did as it took us quite a while to all filter into our seats.

The show was themed on different film genres, which I thought was a brilliant way of getting lots of diverse styles onto the catwalk. After an introduction by Gok Wan, and musical performances by Sun
day Girl and boyband Injusti5e (which involved a hilarious wardrobe malfunction when one guy's pants fell down!) the show began with 'Action'. Using green strobe lighting, a 'Mission Impossible' effect was created, with a male dancer attempting to steal a diamond from one end of the catwalk. He was then 'chased' by a squadron of people dressed in baggy army pants and white vest tops, who then became intermingled with models strutting in military themed outfits: embellished khaki jackets and furry hats. The dancing was perfectly timed and it created a good opening sequence, as it had all the members of the audience on the edges of their seats.

Next up was a 'High School Musical' themed section; cue cheerleaders, jocks, geek chic and America at its biggest and best. I particularly enjoyed a rather garish star spangled banner cloak, and some of the 'geek's'- complete with green tartan trousers à la Outkast, white brogues and braces. After this came the 'Western' section, which involved some pretty risqué thrusting in cowboy costumes! After the initial dancers had disappeared though, there were some awesome outfits, including a woman wearing a two foot high feather headdress that was gorgeous (even if you couldn't wear it on a Saturday night...) and I really liked the floral patterned long skirts that were featured despite it being Winter, using dark backgrounds and more autumnal colours rather than Summer's brights.

The next section was possibly my favourite- 'Romance'. It began with an amazing ballet dance where the man had huge bell sleeves, a trend i still hope will return! After the ballet dance they played 'Prince Charming' by Adam and the Ants (tune!) and in trotted male and female models in stunning baroque style outfits; bussels, beauty spots and satin trains galore! They somehow managed to ballroom dance to it, while I ogled the fabulous fairytale-esque puffball skirts, lace, brocade jackets and elaborate gold jewellery- oh to live during the 16th century!

In as far a contrast as you can get, the next section was 'Sci-Fi' and began with a man rolling in inside a huge lit up hamster ball. The outfits featured were all about structure- latex, metal, immensely high heels and emphasising the body's shape by trapping it inside cages and headgear. Next up was 'Rocky Gangsters' which seemed a little bit random compared with everything else, but it did showcase some very handsome suits and beautiful dresses on the gangster's molls.

The other catwalk that I am tempted to call my favourite was the penultimate 'Horror' themed one. The star of this walk was a very buff man who donned leather trousers and a pair of stag antlers on his head! There was a Freddy Krueger lookalike, complete with scissor fingers, and a whole lot of corseted gothic beauties draped in black lace, PVC and fur; which looked all the more amazing bathed in eerie red light. The final section was simply called 'It's a Wrap!' and was a good way of getting all the glittery, Oscar worthy dresses out onto the stage for a superb grand finale.

After the show I attacked the shops. The positive of being with my mum meant I saw a lot of things that then found themselves onto my Christmas list, so I am definitely looking forward to unwrapping some of
my finds. Now safely hidden away in my mum's wardrobe is an All Saints style cream coloured shirt with irregular buttons that looks very chic when on, a black full size umbrella that is hung with lace and ribbons, and a chain strap shoulder bag with antique gold hearts all over it. Perhaps the thing I am most excited for though is my new corset (eee!). It is olive green with black strips over the bones and a black ribbon tie at the top, as well as black rope to tie the back. It was a snip at £40 (they normally retail for upwards of £100) and the stall I got it from was very professional looking, with rail upon rail of different styles and colours, and the woman who sold it to me took great care in lacing me up, until my waist was tiny!

This was my second trip to The Clothes Show, and I won't be hesitating to return again next year. The shows both times have been incredible, and the stalls save you so much money on not just designer items, but even everyday dresses and vest tops. I got a Beetlejuice inspired striped jacket for just a fiver, and a lovely floral chiffon dress for £15- a steal on Topshop prices. I also like having a nosey at what other visitors are wearing for new style ideas, as everyone always makes such an effort with their outfits, with some really quirky results!

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