Sunday 12 December 2010

Weekly Update!

Cocktails, Cupcakes and Christmas!

This week, rather than do my essay like I intended, I seemed to fill my time with lots of other things, which was of course much more sociable and pleasant!

On Monday my only seminar of the day was cancelled due to the snow, so I finally got a much needed lie in which was awesome. The rest of the day and Tuesday were spent gymming, and doing minimal amounts of work; and on Tuesday evening I watched Dirty Pretty Things, which I really enjoyed, despite being slightly apprehensive when I read the summary.

Wednesday was a lovely sociable day, starting with a cup of tea and a cupcake with my friend Charlotte at Yummy Cupcake Company. I love the place, and on a Wednesday you get any tea and cupcake for £2, bargain! I chose a white chocolate and raspberry one, with
English Breakfast tea (but of course!) and we had a good ol' chinwag. I also bought the last of my Christmas presents for people, so I can now relax at home, whilst everyone else has to brave the chaotic crowds. On Wednesday evening my two friends cooked tea for me to return the favour of when I cooked for us all a while back. We had a tomato and chicken pasta bake, and then sneakily ate cake that had been left out in their flat, shh! My friend Katie also made us mixed berry daiquiris using the cocktail recipe book I got her as a birthday present, they were delicious, and contained very generous measures of rum!

On Thursday I went to Merchants for a Christmas meal, and Friday I saw the play Daughters Of Heaven at the Dukes (see previous posts). Saturday was an unofficial Christmas Day for me and my old flatmates, as I made a massive duck and chicken roast for all seven of us, complete with broccoli, parsnips, sprouts, roasties, mash, green beans, carrots, squash, stuffing and pigs in blankets, followed (much later on!) with homemade mince pies and Christmas pudding- yum!

Later tonight I'm off to do a Christmas themed pub quiz, so hopefully our team will win something to keep up the festive cheer, before I hit my essay and dissertation hard in the final week of term!

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