Saturday 18 December 2010

Weekly Update!

Final nights of Term 1!

Because I'm going to the Christmas Market tomorrow and want to write about it afterwards, I thought I'd do my weekly view today instead. As it was the last week of first term, it was filled with frantic essay writing, nicely balanced amongst some lovely celebrating to mark the start of the festive period (even though I've had my tree up for two weeks and eaten two Christmas dinners already!).

Monday was the night LUFS headed out for a Christmas themed end of year social, and despite only a few people making it due to looming deadlines, we had a great time. We pre-drank at my house amid seasonal tunes, and then headed to our sponsors, Mint, for a few cheeky cocktails, and some free shots to use up some vouchers that have been adorning my fridge since Freshers Week. We then tottered down to Elements 'club', which I particularly enjoyed as I haven't been all term and love the place.

On Wednesday I went to Greaves Park pub with Theatre Group for my third and final Christmas dinner (until the real thing anyway!). I had prawn and crayfish cocktail followed by salmon and boiled potatoes, and finished with chocolate torte and ice cream. The food was absolutely gorgeous, though it
was a shame that the service was rather slow, as it marred the evening somewhat. After we had eaten it was announced that there was a quiz on that night, so we stayed and had a go. Our team romped to a magnificent win, and the look on some of the elderly patrons' faces when they announced that 'Santa's Bulging Sack' had won, was priceless! We won a £20 voucher, but as it ran out before we came back in January, we bought a bottle of champagne to celebrate our victory. Hurrah!

On Friday I was pretty knackered after spending all Thursday staring at my laptop doing my essay, so just packed ready to go home, then chilled out in front of the TV. Today my dad arrived at half 11, which was pretty good considering the snow, and we drove home in time for a buttered bagel

and mince pie for lunch, yum! This afternoon/ evening I went to my friend's Christmas party, which was a lovely way to see everyone back from university, as well as an opportunity to dress up and indulge in a few nibbles, and plenty of Quality Street!

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