Sunday 26 December 2010

Weekly Update!

Merry Christmas!

So, this week held the last few days before the big C- Christmas. I know I've been harping on about it on here for the last couple of weeks, but I just love this time of year. With finishing uni on 18th December as well, it means I had to do all the festivities with uni friends before then, so I've been in the seasonal mindset for at least the last three weeks.

This week, apart from wrapping presents and adding more and more decorations to our already
overfilled house, I had a lovely night with my friends (see previous post) and a visit from my boyfriend to exchange our presents. Mine were brilliant, but I was really annoyed as one of my gifts for him didn't arrive in time due to the snow delaying the post. The following day we went for a wander around Denzell Gardens, a park near my house. It looked gorgeous in the snow, even though it was very cold! The pond was completely frozen solid, and there were footprints on it from where people had walked across it. That evening we did the annual viewing of A Muppets Christmas Carol, accompanied by roasted chestnuts and Miniature Heroes, I never get bored of
seeing it!

On Friday it was Christmas Eve. I worked in the morning, and then chilled out

in the afternoon, watching a few bits on television. At 5pm, I went to my local church's Christingle service, which was lovely. We sang carols, listened to a few passages and then all collected Christingles from a box at the front, which were then lit and blessed. I am not a regular church goer, but it really got me ready for Christmas Day, and as it is quite a child-friendly service, there were so many adorable kids, there was even a baby in a Santa outfit!

Yesterday was the big day; for most people. As my dad works

shifts he unfortunately worked the night of Christmas Eve so was in bed for Christmas morning. Knowing this in advance, I offered to work as I'd get triple pay, and we decided to have our family Christmas on Boxing Day instead. So after work, my Christmas was spent watching TV and eating some yummy food- eggs benedict for lunch, and my mum made Hunter's Chicken with roasted vegetables and potatoes for tea.

So for all of us, while most people woke up hungover, and surrounded by wrapping paper this morning, we prettified ourselves and did the traditional separating of the presents into piles ready to start unwrapping. It took us nearly three hours, but I got some
amazing presents, including a double butterfly charm for my Pandora bracelet, and my much awaited olive green handmade corset, as well as lots of other bits and bobs. This was all followed by a fabulous goose roast dinner, and copious amounts of Bucks Fizz, chocolate and wine-mmm. Another 'Christmas Day' gone, another tomorrow at my Grandparents house in Yorkshire!

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