Sunday 5 December 2010

Weekly Update!

Snowy Frolicking and Aftershow Antics

The start of this week was a rather
nervewracking one, as Monday and Tuesday held much awaited performances of One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest. After a swift post show drink on Monday, I met up with my boyfriend and his friends to have a play in the snow (despite being 20...) up by Lancaster Castle. The snow filled views across the skyline were amazing in the dark, and once we had got sufficiently snow covered, we traipsed home to dry off.

After Tuesday's final performance, we headed back to my house for the aftershow party, which we were all well up for! We somehow managed to cram about forty people into the downstairs of my house, order £70 worth of takeaway, get insanely drunk, and piss off the neighbours (whoops!) but everyone
appeared to have a good night. I didn't get to bed until 7.15am though, so Wednesday was a complete write-off! Thursday was spent doing yoga, and buying my last few Christmas presents, topped off with a lovely cappuccino at The Water Witch, which was nice and cosy while it was snowing outside.

Friday was my friend's 21st, so after a few drinks at her house on campus we all headed to the Sugarhouse. As the play was performed there, I
was on the guest list (ooh er!) so had free entry and queue jump. As it was the night when all the college JCR (like the uni council) results were announced we expected it to be heaving and so arrived early (half past ten on the dot) only to be left outside until nearly quarter to eleven. It was freezing, and even started snowing as we waited, so I wish we'd left it a bit later and actually used the queue jump! It was a brilliant night though, and I saw lots of friendly faces, which is always a bonus.

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