Wednesday 29 December 2010

It's Christmasssss!

In Yorkshire!

So this is my final Christmas piece- promise! As ours was so unconventional (see previous post) we had to keep up the trend and have another Christmas Day, this time on the 27th. We travelled early morning to Leven where my
grandparents live; which is a village near Beverley in Hull. As usual, their house looked very festive, decked in lights with ornaments throughout the rooms, so no corner seemed un-Christmassy.

My Auntie and Uncle had travelled from Lancashire with my two cousins aged 8 and 5, which I was looking forward to, as Christmas is so much better when there are children around; they get so much more involved and are enthusiastic about everything. We only opened a few presents before dinner was served- prawn cocktail followed by a chicken roast dinner and Christmas pudding, exactly what is expected of a true Christmas Day. I was drinking a very nice 1998 château moumont rose wine, which I hope makes me sound very sophisticated, as it is the only instance in which I have seemed so!

After dinner, my other Auntie and Uncle who live close to my grandparents came with my other two cousins who are also young (4 and 6) and we opened

the rest of our presents. We each only had a few, but as usual the kids had mountains. The pile of wrapping paper left at the end was very impressive. So ensued a couple of hours of them playing with new toys, until Lucy and Cara left for home, and Hannah and Adam were sent to bed, a lot later than usual! We all collapsed onto various sofas and chairs with books to read, or fixed our eyes on the television (personally I had a nap). We left at about 11pm, stuffed, tired and stored up with Christmas cheer. Definately the last time I will recount a Christmas Day for at least 361 days!

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