Monday 7 February 2011

Traveller's Tales...

Hitting The 'Pool

It was my boyfriend and I's anniversary on Saturday, so we fancied a weekend away, having gone to Edinburgh last year. We settled on Liverpool, as I had never been, and he said it was a really cool city, so we booked our trains.

We arrived to a very windy reception on Friday evening, and got picked up by the lady we were staying with in Birkenhead (a friend of my dad's). After dumping our stuff and sprucing up a bit we walked to a local pub called The Swan where everything was ridiculously cheap. I had a 4oz steak with a mushroom and red onion sauce, chips and peas, 2 glasses of wine and a starter for £8! It was tasty as well. After we had eaten (and finished watching the six nation's rugby match) we walked to another pub called the Canaervon Castle for more drinks, before getting a taxi home as it was so blustery!

On Saturday we got a bus into Liverpool city centre. We had a wander around Mathew Street (birthplace of The Beatles) and the area nearby which included an amazing Vivienne Westwood shop, and a lovely retro cafe called 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds' which we had a late lunch in.
I got a bargain 50s style dress from a little boutique, as well as some classic Primark steals, and then we walked to the docklands to try and find somewhere to eat later that evening. We got some nice photographs of the water and skyline as it was just coming to dusk, it was just a shame about the driving rain that got us absolutely soaked!

After a bit of a struggle to get home as we couldn't find our bus stop, we quickly got changed into evening gear, had a glass of very nice wine that we had been given as a present and then went back into Liverpool for our meal. We had eventually chosen Las Iguanas, a Latin American restaurant that I have been curious to try out, as I have seen a few of them dotted about around the country.

I was adventurous and ordered a Cherry Bomb cocktail to drink which was delicious, and then for starters we shared 'Totopos' (nachos with guacamole) and 'Molletes' (ciabatta with refried beans and melted cheese). For main course I chose a Brazilian dish called 'Xinxim' which was quite similar to a traditional Thai curry- chicken in a creamy crayfish, lime and peanut sauce. It was served with asparagus, rice and deep fried plantain which I had never tried before so was good to sample something different. It was all amazing, but sadly I couldn't finish it all as the portions were so generous. Some of the desserts sounded awesome as well, I'll have to remember to skip a starter next time! After tea we walked to The Living Room, and had a couple of drinks, before catching a night bus home.

On Sunday we had a brilliant cooked breakfast courtesy of our host, and then we packed up all our things and caught a bus back into the city. Our train wasn't for another few hours, so we paid to lock our bags up and went to the Tate Modern. Despite some very strange artwork that I didn't think seemed particularly special, there were also some interesting sculptures and a few paintings by well-known artists such as Picasso, Matisse and Salvador Dali. The last time I visited an art gallery I was considerably younger, so it was good to relive the experience with a more mature outlook on the exhibitions.

Then, at 3.31pm on Sunday 6th February we caught a train back from the Capital of Culture to the land of work and life that is Lancaster. An awesome weekend that I didn't want to end!

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