Tuesday 8 February 2011

Winter Reads...

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S. Thompson- 3 stars ***

Probably more famously known as the film starring Johnny Depp, I decided to read this as my boyfriend had a copy and it relates to the course I am doing at the moment on Creative Non-Fiction. Hunter S. Thompson was in the first group of journalists who took up this revolutionary style that he refers to as 'Gonzo Journalism'- where real- life occurrences are reported upon much like in traditional articles; except that these add in personal experiences, opinions, literary devices such as metaphor and dialogue and in some instances, experiment with layout.

The story for this particular book is simple, a man (Hunter S. Thompson) is driving to Las Vegas with his attourney, a Samoan, in order to write an article on the 'collapsed dream of the American sixties'. However, these two men are also equipped with lots of money, guns and copious amounts of illegal drugs, which mean that their journey is filled with hallucinations, very bizarre and often dangerous encounters, run-ins with the police and a lot of quick thinking!

I really enjoyed this, as it was so different to anything I have read before, not just in style, but also in content. It almost reads like a very surreal diary, so that you get completely twisted up in the road-trip with them which has a brilliant effect. I also thoroughly enjoyed the illustrations that were in my copy, despite them being rather graphic at times!

Even though this is a piece of non-fiction, it has a very other-worldly feel to it; partially because of the events that occur to the characters, but also because of the way the words are crafted:
'I stopped at a red light and got lost, for a moment, in a sunburst of flesh in the cross-walk: fine sinewy thighs, pink mini-skirts, ripe young nipples, sleeveless blouses, long sweeps of blonde hair, pink lips and blue eyes- all the hallmarks of a dangerously innocent creature.'

I would recommend this to anyone who wants to escape their own everyday lives and get lost in a world of sex, drugs and car chases; and don't mind being shocked at how risqué journalism can be!

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