Sunday 20 February 2011

Weekly Update!

Food, Friends and Fashion!

The beginning of this week was kind of slow, I did a bit of work, some grocery shopping and hit the gym. I also did some food experiments. I made eggs Benedict, including my own hollandaise sauce from scratch, and a twist on a traditional Victoria sponge through the addition of mixed spice to the mixture, and rhubarb jam for the centre- it was delicious!

On Wednesday I met up with my friend from home who also goes to Lancaster University, and we had lunch in one of the cafes on campus, which I had never been in. I was very impressed, mainly as a pot of tea was just 80p- Venue will definitely be seeing more of me in the future!

On Thursday I went to my friends on campus' flat for tea, cake and a gossip which was fun, and then that evening I went to The Friary for 'a few' drinks. It was an eventful night to say the least, and I definitely felt it the following day!

On Friday the Fashion Society took part in a mini fashion show at The Sugarhouse, called 'Fashion Through The Ages' as part of their 'Old's Cool' night. Despite models cancelling, and it being very last minute (we sorted all the clothes, order and practised just 3 hours before going on the catwalk!) it went really well, and the nerves were all worth it in the end. I was shattered from the night before, so basically left as soon as we had finished, after getting a shot to calm myself down, which I promptly spilt all over the counter as I was shaking so much!

Yesterday I chained myself to my desk, and managed to crank out 800 words of dissertation, which I was proud of. As a reward I went to watch a friend's band play in a small pub in town, and I was pleasantly surprised at what a fun time I had. They were really good, and the crowd participated so it was a really cool atmosphere to be surrounded by. We went for a few drinks afterwards, before heading home- I have definitely had about triple my alcohol intake this week, it's a good job it's reading week next week so I have time to catch up with work and re-cooperate slightly!

Tonight (after hopefully having another successful dissertation day) I am being cooked lamb stifado by my boyfriend, which should be tasty, and then we're going to watch 'Paul' at the cinema... watch this space for a review!

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