Thursday 3 February 2011

Winter Views...

Black Swan- 5 stars *****

I was eagerly awaiting this to come out, after I saw it featured on Film 2011 before Christmas. I am a huge Natalie Portman fan, and after reading the synopsis on IMDB it seemed like the type of film I would enjoy. I'd spoken to a few people who had seen it and they all raved that it was amazing, so I had high hopes.

The story is pretty simple, a senior dancer (Winona Ryder) retires from a ballet company, leaving the top spot in need of a new star. Nina (Portman) has been at the company for a long time, and works hard to obtain the role- as the Swan Queen in Swan Lake. However, despite embodying the innocence of the White Swan, she also needs to show the seduction of the Black Swan. Another of the dancers, Lily (Mila Kunis) is much better at this side of the role, and the competition and demands of the performance play with Nina's sanity. She suffers from hallucinations and becomes deluded that Lily is trying to steal her part, forcing her to undergo a complete transformation. It is the epitome of a psychological thriller, and is directed by Darren Aronofsky, famous for The Wrestler.

It sounds like an average plot, and to be fair, after the first half an hour I was getting a little impatient for it to 'get on with it', but then I must have spoken too soon. Cue lesbian sex, self-harm and masturbation scenes, coupled with frantic music and more than a few scream/ jump out of your seat moments. I honestly came out of the cinema a nervous wreck, and it is possibly one of the most traumatic films I have ever seen. This seemed to be the general consensus; as upon leaving we were all chattering away about how frightened we were and which bits were the most chilling.

Looking past the fact that it scared me witless, you have to congratulate such a bold film. It goes to places that would make the inner prude come out of the most sexual of people, and the cast are all fully committed to the roles they play. Natalie Portman is perfectly cast, as not only does she portray the temperament of the character, but she has the tiny skeletal frame that is commonplace amongst many professional ballet dancers.

I would recommend this film if you want to see something different- it is sure to be spoken about a lot this year so make sure you don't miss out! Just go prepared with a hand to squeeze and a jacket to cover your eyes!

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