Sunday 27 February 2011

Weekly Update!

Reading Week!

So this week was the best week of each term- reading week. A week supposed to be used productively to get work done, and well... read. For most students though, it means lie-ins, a trip home and as little work as possible!

My reading week this year did actually begin with some work, and I managed to reach the half-way mark with my dissertation- hurray, the end is in sight. On Tuesday I went to The Pendle Witch with the fashion soc girls for some lovely pub grub. I had chicken, ham and leek pie and a couple of glasses of wine as a reward for my hard work. On Wednesday I did some tour guiding on campus to earn my pennies, and then caught an evening train home. Lovely to sleep in my own bed again!

On Thursday I went to York with my family (see previous post) and returned on Friday. In the evening I met up with a couple of friends from home who happened to be around, and we went for some drinks. Considering we only went to my local town, I had a brilliant night, as we actually went to places we wouldn't normally. The first was one of the three Belgian bars that Altrincham has, where you are presented with a huge menu that is solely beer based to choose your drinks from, and it is table service which is always a bonus. I had three different fruity beers, which were delicious. Afterwards we went to a bar called The Green Room, that had a live reggae style band playing. We finished in a cocktail bar called The Classroom, where I had an FBI- which had ice cream in it mmm!

Yesterday I travelled back to Lancaster early with the intention of getting some more diss done, but that didn't happen. In the evening we had a reunion for the play I was in last term, it was awesome to see everyone together again and I had a fab night. This post is yet another way of procrastinating from work again though, so I better get to it!

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