Monday 25 July 2011

Weekly Update!

A Thai 21st & Brighton Wedding Bells! (postponed from yesterday)

On Thursday it was my friend Lydia's 21st birthday, so after having a few drinks at her house, we went into Manchester for a meal at Ning, a Thai restaurant in the Northern Quarter. They had an offer where it was £13.95 for a starter, main course and side dish, so most of us ordered that, and a few of us shared a bottle of wine, though it was quite pricey as even the house was £15.95.

I had seafood spring rolls to begin with, followed by seafood pad thai which was gorgeous, and chock full of calamari and king prawns. As my main was noodle based, I chose prawn crackers for a side, which came with an assortment of different sauces to dip them in. The restaurant was all decked out in bright pink and black and looked very classy, but unfortunately the service let it down a little. The food was tip-top though, so I would go back again. After we had finished our meal we went for a few drinks in Bluu, before getting a minibus home.

On Friday I packed my bag and got ready to go to Brighton for the weekend for a family wedding. I picked Chris up from the station at 10pm, and we set off the following morning at 7am as my parents and grandpa had to be there to attend the ceremony at 2pm. While they were there, we had a wander around the city and did a spot of shopping, though we came back empty-handed. I was surprised at how big the place was, and how many different areas there were, one minute you'd be eating cockles on the pier, and the next you'd be surrounded by swanky bars and high end shops, then turn a corner and it felt like Camden!

We sauntered back to our hotel to get changed ready for the evening do at around 6pm, and then got a taxi to the Hotel Du Vin where it was being held. The venue was lovely, although the prices stung a little! Everyone looked gorgeous, especially the bride, who wore a low backed floor length silk dress that was very flattering. There were little cones of fish and chips for food
which I thought was nice and quirky, and they had a carrot-cake cupcake tower for the wedding cake- yum! We stayed until just gone midnight, and then went back to our hotel as we were knackered after such an early start!

On Sunday after a lie in and a freshen up, we walked onto the pier again and stopped in a cafe for a drink with the bridal party. It was nice to have a proper catch up with everyone, and throughout the day the 8 of us left wandered around a few bars and pubs and had some drinks. In the evening we went to a little Italian

called Sofia's, where we shared some bread and olives for a starter and then got some main courses. I had a chicken, sweetcorn and onion pizza and my mum got a Greek salad and we shared the two which was a nice compromise. Chris had a pizza with full mussels and king prawns on, it was very impressive! We had shots of grappa with our bill, and then went back to the bride and groom's hotel for a night cap. Then we bundled into a taxi home and fell to sleep ready for an early drive home. An awesome weekend!

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