Saturday 3 December 2011

Nights Out...

Manchester Christmas Markets

Yesterday, as one of my only free evenings before Christmas, Chris and I decided to go to the Christmas markets in Manchester. We went a couple of years ago, but he missed it last year (I went with my parents) so we wanted to make sure we managed to fit it in, as it really gives you that Christmassy feeling, and it's always bustling and full of people in the Christmas spirit.
Chris got a train straight from Crewe, so we arrived fairly early at just gone 7pm. We had a bit of a wander around the crafty-type stalls as you enter, and then I bought a raspberry mulled wine, which was lovely and warming, as it was a bit nippy! They have lots of different things for sale - glassware, woolly jumpers, wood carvings, homemade soaps and bath salts, lots of foreign food such as Bavarian cheeses and Belgian chocolate, pretty, much anything really! It is a good place to go if you're struggling for present ideas, as there are plenty of quirky gifts available, Chris got some coasters for his brother that are made from the middle of vinyl records by Oasis, and they had a huge range of other artists too from N.WA to Frank Sinatra.

We were getting a bit hungry around this time so started looking at some of the food stalls. I have a bratwurst every year so decided to go for something different. However, after considering pretzels, paella, hotpot and a savoury crepe, I eventually choose a chorizo, so not much different from usual really! Chris had a cumberland sausage with lancashire cheese and onions; we were lucky we arrived when we did, as he got the last one! We went and took some photos of the fat Santa that sits on top of the town hall, and admired all the Christmas trees and other decorations that were for sale in the outer wooden huts.

After we had eaten we went in search of one of the other markets, on Brazenose Street. However, upon arrival we realised it shuts earlier than the main one, at 8pm, so we'll have to come back to see that one another day. Having seen everything on the main one, we decided to head home, but with a quick detour to the fudge stall, where I bought some cherry and vanilla, and chocolate and hazelnut flavours to eat on the metro as my dessert. That's the only bad thing about visiting the market - you come home about 2 stone heavier from all the gorgeous food!

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