Sunday 11 December 2011

Weekly Update!

Jazz Music & Free Wine! (no pictures, sorry!)

This week I started a new job, which unfortunately I am no longer needed for, but it was good money for a week's work. Because of this, and along with babysitting on Tuesday and Saturday, and working at the pub on Monday and Wednesday, I had a very crazy week, and worked 53 hours altogether, not something I wish to do every week!

Due to this, I didn't actually do a great deal, simply as I had no free time! However, on Friday, I met up with Emily, Smeed and Charlotte, and we went for a drink in Wetherspoons in Altrincham. We were introduced to Charlotte's new boyfriend James, which was nice, although he only stayed for a while before moving on with his own friends.

After a couple in Wetherspoons we went on to Goose Green, where I saw a new jazz club had opened whilst shopping on Thursday. It is called Bloom, and is apparently owned by the same person who took over The Cheshire Lounge in Millington. The feel is very sophisticated and upmarket (and the drinks are quite pricey) but it has a lovely atmosphere, and a live jazz band were playing when we went in. We were the youngest people in there, but didn't feel out of place, as the bar staff were very welcoming. We were even given a free bottle of very nice wine by the owner, and we think it is because Charlotte was mistaken for Ellie Goulding, which was hilarious! It started out when a drunken man commented that she looked like her, and it must have circulated. Not complaining though after the freebie!

I worked Saturday at the pub, and then babysat for the little boy I nannied for a while back in the evening, and it was lovely to see him again. Luckily it wasn't too much of a late one, as the week's work was catching up with me, and I was falling asleep by 10pm! Today I had a much needed lie in, and then we had a beef roast dinner, as my Grandpa has been staying with us since Thursday, and leaves tomorrow, so it was a nice last evening for him. We were intending going to a carol service at a local church as well, which would have been lovely, but we actually got there, only to find we had got our dates muddled, and it is on next weekend. Never mind!

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