Thursday 29 December 2011

New Tastes...

Croma, Manchester

Last night was the first time since my friend's 21st in April that all 8 of my girlfriends managed to get together, and the first time I'd seen a fair few of them too with people being at uni, and Abi in New York. We decided to go for a meal so we could have a proper catch up, and so Abi booked a table at Croma in Manchester, which I had never been to before. We all went to her house beforehand for some mulled wine, and then caught a minibus into town.

It looked quite fancy from the outside, with a big blue sign and stone steps leading up to the glass doors, and it was on lots of mini levels when we walked through the doors. We sat down and ordered a couple of bottles of the house white wine to share. The menu was fairly big, and had pizza, pasta and salads, as well as a set menu with it being near Christmas. I was hungry, but fancied a dessert, so didn't bother with a starter as well. My friend Charlotte and I decided to get two pizzas and have half of each to sample a couple of different ones. I opted for the Tandoori Chicken, and she chose the Chilli Salsiccia.

Mine had tandoori chicken (obviously), green peppers, red onion, tomato, mozzarella, coriander, and cashew nuts on it, and was served with fresh lime and a yoghurt mint dressing drizzled over it. I would never normally choose an Indian style dish on a big menu, but I thought I'd be adventurous and give it a go, and I'm so glad I did as it was delicious! The Chilli Salsiccia had Tuscan sausage, sun blushed tomatoes, parmesan and mozzarella, and was served drizzled with chilli jam and garnished with rocket. I couldn't choose my favourite out of the two, as they were both so different, the Chilli Salsiccia was much more like a traditional pizza, and felt healthier, but the Tandoori Chicken had a lovely spicy kick to it which was brilliant with the cooling yoghurt dressing, and I'm an absolute sucker for cashew nuts, so that was an added bonus.

I still had a bit of space left for dessert, so opted for the caramel and pecan cheesecake. I don't normally enjoy cheesecake as I find the digestive base quite sickly, however I read that this one had a cookie base, so thought it would be nice. It had lots of pecans on, and the caramel was gorgeous and gooey, so I felt I had made the right choice!

The whole menu was very reasonably priced, especially for a restaurant in the heart of Manchester, and for my two courses, a generous tip and a bottle of wine shared between 3 people it was only £18, which I thought was good value for money. I wouldn't hesitate to go again, and can now see why Abi and Hannah are in double figures for their visits!

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