Sunday 25 December 2011

Weekly Update!

Christmas Preparation & The Big Day!

Now firmly settled in the house I'm staying in for three weeks, this week flew by as I attempted to keep on top of all my Christmas preparation, housekeeping jobs and petcare!

On Tuesday I babysat for the little boy I was a temporary nanny for, and he had a friend round to play. We went to see Happy Feet 2 (see previous post) in the afternoon as well as playing on his Wii, and in the morning we baked and iced some shortbread cookies. They didn't come out very well, as I didn't have time to chill the dough before cooking it, but they were fine to ice anyway. The two of them were very creative, even if the biscuits didn't look too great afterwards!

On Wednesday Chris came for the evening after work and we made baked enchilada that was lovely, and just watched some TV. On Thursday we went back to Timperley as I had a nail appointment, and in the afternoon we went to see Sherlock Holmes (see previous post) before I went back to the house after dropping him off.

On Friday I decided last minute to go to Crewe to see Chris, after plans to have a meetup with the girls fell through. We went to his friends house with a few others, and although we intended driving back to Chris' that evening, we ended up staying over so that I could have a drink. It was a very early start the following day so that he could get to work for 9am, and I had to drive home to get to the pub for my shift at 11.30am. In the evening my mum picked me up from the pub and we both went back to Millington for Christmas Eve, as my sister was out, and Dad was working. We cooked stuffed portobello mushrooms with veg, and then had red wine and mince pies while watching some Christmassy TV. We had a slight dilemma when the hamster escaped, but luckily she crawled back into her cage once she had had enough!

Christmas day dawned, and I randomly spent the beginning of it dying my hair! We then got dressed and headed back to Timperley, where Dad and Jasmine were waiting for us. We got the rabbit out to begin with, check out the cute picture!

We opened our stocking presents first, and apart from a few bits and bobs, I got an awful lot of chocolate, which will keep me going for the next few weeks at least! We then had an interval to eat Eggs Benedict with salmon for breakfast, and a glass of Bucks fizz, before opening our main presents. Once we had finished we watched A Muppets Christmas Carol, and then ate Christmas dinner, which was gorge as usual. We had duck this year, and luckily there were only four of us, as there wasn't a great deal of meat on it! Afterwards we watched the standard Christmas TV (Morecambe and Wise, Tommy Cooper etc) and gorged on chocolate before I rolled off to bed at about 1am. Quite a quiet one this year, but we have the family coming on 27th, so that will definitely make up for it!

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