Sunday 18 December 2011

Weekly Update!

Dining In & Carols!

This week has been quite nice and chilled, which makes a nice change! On Tuesday I went into Altrincham to buy my Secret Santa present for the pub, and one of my friend's birthday presents as it is her 21st on New Year's Eve, and it saves me braving the post-Christmas rush!

In the evening Chris came over and we bought one of those two dine in for £10 deals from Tesco. We had French onion soup for a starter, and then Aberdeen Angus steak meatballs in a tomato sauce, with mustard mash. It was all delicious, and washed down with a lovely bottle of Merlot. I'd originally picked up one from Marks and Spencer, but after spending ages choosing the dishes, I then realised they only had white wine as the drink, which was a bit annoying. I'd like to try one there next time instead, I'll just have to remember to go in earlier than 3pm!

On Thursday I had a completely lazy day, staying in my pyjamas until 2pm watching television, and wrapping the presents I bought on Tuesday. I also recieved my new iPhone that I bought off eBay through the post, but I had some problems with it, so couldn't get accustomed to it straight away. On Thursday night I went to see New Year's Eve with my girlfriends (see previous post) which was good to get me even more in the mood for Christmas!

On Friday I moved all of my things into the house I am housesitting for the next three weeks in Millington, and spent the day getting settled in before getting chance to mess around on my (now working) iPhone. In the evening Chris came and we made a nice meal (see previous post) before a very stressful end to the night when the hamster escaped! We got to bed at 2am once she had been recovered!

On Saturday I worked at the pub, and then basically went straight to babysit in Bowdon until very late. It was so icy on the roads on the way home, it took me ages to drive back, and I was happy to finally get into bed! Today I had a bit of a lie in before sorting out the menagerie of animals I'm looking after (two fish, two cats and a hamster) and then sticking a Christmas radio station on and catching up with my blogging. This evening I am going to the carol service we drove to last week before realising we had got our dates mixed up; so hopefully it will be worth the wait! (I'll update this later below)

Carol Service Update: It was gorgeous! There was a huge tree and the whole church was covered in candles and festive lights. There were a few too many readings and choir sung songs for my liking (you can tell I like the limelight!) but to be fair the choir were brilliant, perfectly in tune and they did some amazing harmonies. There was one song I didn't know at all, so had to lip sync that one, but apart from that there were some Christmas classics, as well as some less commercial and more classical pieces. A lovely way to spend my Sunday evening!

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