Thursday 1 December 2011

Winter Views...

The Rum Diary - 3 stars ***

I'd read a few reviews of this before seeing it, and wasn't really expecting much, but I was pleasantly surprised. I thought it contained a good cast, was detailed without being too long and overdrawn and was something a bit different. It is based on the gonzo journalism book by Hunter S. Thompson of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas fame.

The story is about a freelance journalist called Paul Kemp, who moves to Puerto Rico to write for the San Juan Star, a newspaper that is falling apart due to its alcohol fuelled writers and aggressive editor. He moves in with one of his co-workers, Sala, played by Michael Rispoli, and is introduced to his way of life - drinking rum at every given moment, and dabbling in drugs and gambling on cock fighting. One scene in particular, where the pair are on a 'trip', was very interesting to watch, and unlike anything I have seen previously. I was later told that the majority of the film version of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is portrayed in such a way, so I may well watch that soon.

Kemp intends to write about the exploitation of the country taking place by the Americans living there, but ends up falling into a partnership with one such American - Sanderson. Sanderson wants Kemp to write a brochure to encourage the planning permission for a new hotel development on a private island nearby, and eventually Kemp is forced to sign the contract. Together with Sala though, and their alcoholic friend Moburg they cook up a plan to expose the companies dealings, but it falls through and Kemp is forced to flee back to New York.

The eye candy comes in the form of Amber Heard, a relatively unknown actress, who is unquestionably gorgeous, with a tanned glow and long blonde hair. She is the girlfriend of Sanderson, causing a dilemma when Kemp becomes obsessed with her, after meeting her skinny dipping while he is drunkenly commandeering a pedalo one night. Despite the good acting of both, there didn't seem to be that much chemistry between Depp and Heard, personally I found it to be more of a naive young girl: caring guardian type relationship (except from the sex scene of course!).

I'd say this film at times feels like the middle film of a trilogy, as there were parts that seemed in there purely for information, and the end is left fairly open. However, I loved the scenes near the end based at the carnival, as they were a feast for the eyes, and were full of vibrance and energy, and watching Johnny Depp for a couple of hours is never going to be a bad thing in my book. Worth a watch.

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