Thursday 2 February 2012

Homemade Recipes!

Lemon And Herb Meatball Tagine

Today my friends came round for the evening, so I decided to cook something tasty for our tea. They were arriving at 7pm, so once I'd got home from work I knew I wouldn't have much time to prepare, so had to choose a recipe that was relatively simple. I had a flick through a few of my mum's cookery books before settling on a Moroccan dish made in a tagine that sounded nice.

I cheated slightly and bought the meatballs pre-made from Iceland, so that cut the time needed in half. First of all I heated five teaspoons of oil in the tagine on the hob and fried an onion in it until it was soft and browned. Then I added the beef meatballs (approx 24) and a teaspoon of each of the spices required - chilli powder, cumin and tumeric. I browned the meatballs and then poured 350ml of chicken stock in over them, before leaving it to simmer. I took this time to go and get ready!

After about half an hour, the sauce still hadn't thickened, so I turned the heat up and added some cornflour to the mixture to thicken it slightly. My friends arrived and so I put the couscous that I was serving the dish with on to cook. It only took about five minutes, so my guests weren't waiting too long before I could serve it all. I put a garnish of fresh parsley on top of the meatballs, and then took the tagine and the pot of couscous to the table so people could help themselves. A quick squeeze of lemon juice over it all and it was ready to be eaten - delicious!

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