Sunday 26 February 2012

Weekly Update!

Crème Brulee & French Martinis!

This was a strange week stuck in the middle of two weeks off, so I was expecting it to go really slow. It didn't though, which was good, and I managed to get a few fun things crammed in between working and packing for France next week.

On Tuesday I went to the Trafford Centre with Mum, as we fancied a spot of shopping. I didn't get much, just a t shirt from Zara that had chains and studs appliqued to the shoulders, a bargain in the sale for £6. We also had a browse of the handbags in Selfridges, as I'm currently looking to treat myself to a nice designer one.

On Thursday Chris came round and we had a really good hearty pie for tea, followed by homemade crème brulee - delicious! The girls came round on Friday, and we had lots of chocolate and crisps whilst having a good ol' natter.

On Saturday after work a few of us went to Emily and Smeed's for some cocktails before going into Manchester. We went to Venue, which I'd never been to before, but they played some good tracks and drinks were fairly cheap. I bumped into an old uni friend there as well, which proved what a small world it is!

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